Michelle Malkin has a post up you should see.

I’ve obtained documents sent to a reader in response to his FOIA request regarding the creation of Barack Obama’s Change.gov website. It gives you the rest of the story. You’ll recall last month that I blogged several questions about the propriety of allowing the perpetual Obama campaign to use a .gov domain name for what appeared to be a fund-raising front. Readers and industry observers noted that the decision appeared to violate General Services Administration rules governing government domains.

So it does. Apparently, ‘Change’ includes making America a place where mere laws don’t apply to The Chosen One.

2 Responses to “Change?”

  1. Apparently you have no concept of what a law is.
    Do you just repeat what Malkin says or do you think about it for a split second on your own and ask yourself, does this make sense?


  1. Michelle Malkin: Document drop: The story behind Change.gov | Impeach Barack Hussein Obama.US Blogs