Paging Miss Andrea Sullivan, paging Mss Andrea Sullivan.    Representative Linda Sanchez,(D-CA) is wtth child.   The Representative  the one on the left, Patti Morrison, Los Angelos Times:

California Congresswoman Linda Sanchez is pregnant. Ordinarily, this would not make headlines, except to the Sanchez family and maybe in a newsletter to the 39th Congressional District in southeast L.A. County, which just elected her to her fourth term. It’s no big deal nowadays when members of Congress give birth. The first was Mrs. Yvonne Brathwaite Burke, 35 years ago.

What makes Sanchez’s pregnancy news is that she is not married to the baby’s father — not yet, anyway

Andrea, after your obsession with attempting to prove that Trig Pallin was a bastard, and utterly failing, here is a real bastard in utero for you to investgate.   Crank up your keyboard, or shutter it.   I care not which.

Noted that the LSM sat on the story until after the election.

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One Response to “Paging Miss Andrea Sullivan”

  1. And this surprises you?  Sullivan and his ilk are not going to change their spots.  Not unless it is to their advantage to do so, or someone (cooperation/editor/bully, all the above) bigger and or stronger makes them change. 

    As much as I have ranted and raved about bias in the media (especially the print side of the house), I admit there has always been bias of one sort or another. However, there used to be enough sources of information from both sides, to at least allow for something akin to the truth to reach the public at large.

    But with this last election, all bets are (were) off.  It wasn’t a biased media it was flat out cut out of whole cloth all but monolithic in its singular voice offering hosannas to the Anointed One.

    No my friend, Sullivan isn’t going to change he has no reason to you need a conscience and a real moral compass to do that.  And he lacks that equipment.