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Outlawing Happy

Over at OTB, James points to [1]an AP feed which reports they’ve banned ‘Happy Hour” in the UK. Obviously, the stated concerns are health-related.

It must, however, be asked if Government isn’t overstepping it’s bounds here?  More correctly, perhaps is it possible for government to overstep it’s bounds?  Can government get too intrusive? Steve Verdon over there, addresses that question well, in comments [2];

We will control the vertical. We will control the horizontal. We will control your diet, your exercise, your sex life, your television watching, your driving, your parenting, your computer usage, your reproduction, and…well just about everything else. There are no outer, inner, or any limits at all on how much control the State can have.

At what level are such people ‘free’?

I dunno. If I was faced with that level of hopelessness,  I might take up binge drinking, too.