After two years, we finally get to pull the lever.
I do not propose to get into specifics, here about what I’m going to do. I don’t suppose I will need to.

You see, when I vote today, I’m going to remember which party made possible another vote recently, and which party decided fighting for freedom wasn’t worth it.

I strongly suggest that you should, as well.


4 Responses to “How I’m Going to Vote”

  1. Good on ya! 

    Now let’s just hope that, at the polls today, Obama’s supporters are similarly inspired by Obama’s lead when it comes to voting.

  2. @Linda Morgan

    Do you suppsoe there’s any chance of it?

  3. Hey, we can hope can’t we? 

    Seriously, it’s very hard to believe O is going to win this thing.  And actually have to make real decisions.  That we’ll really have to live with. {Shudder}


  1. How I’m Going to Vote : The Conservative Reader