Yeah, we’re back from the camping trip, and dispite an extended, hot shower, and eight hours of kip, Uncle Bit is still tired, and smells like pine smoke. I’ll have some nice pics to show you later tonight. That said, I’ve been out of pocket for most of three days and it’s time to get back up to speed. So… Welcome, one and all to the most intense nightly read on the ‘sphere… Bit’s Blog’s Nightly Ramble

  • Honorable Mention at OTB’s Caption contest. Yeah, I said a Nuclear Joybuzzer.
  • I come back to find ACORN in the news. Again. And I see Glenn keeping tabs on it. And the Wall Street Journal. And Fox.  And Michelle has a big post up on the point. Good. It’s about time that ACORN was revealed as the corrupt org it is. What’s making me smile at the moment, though, is the connections being drawn in the news to Barack Obama. Again, I say, it’s about time… past it, rather, that people started figuring this stuff out. Boortz, this morning, gives us an example. Says he:

    So we have yet another ACORN outrage story. This time we have a family in Connecticut who is shocked to learn that their 7-year-old daughter had been registered to vote by ACORN. Then we learn that the girl may have been registered by a “drug-addicted relative.” Gee, that makes me feel a lot better.

    I have to say I’m not comfortable with the numbers of registrations being offered fraudulently. I mean, look, it’s true, we’ve caught some of the fraud, before it turned into votes. But how much of this fraud is turning into Democrat votes? It’s not like they’re not trying to turn the fraud into votes counted. Thanks to the efforts of partisans like the Ohio Secratary of state, we’ll never know until it’s far too late. I think it obvious, that’s what they’ve got in mind.  I think it telling that the false registrations are going four to one Democrat.  Boortz notes this too.

    The plan here is to flood voter registration offices with so many applications that it will be impossible for the registration officials to decide which are valid and which are not. The goal is chaos on election day – and Democrats ready to raise the roof if anything is done to seek out unqualified voters and send them home.

    Yes, I think Boortz is correct. No, I’d not put it past ACORN. Nor, I think you should know, do I put it past the Democrats to be making an organized effort to win this election via fraud. I think, though, it speaks to the level of confidence they have in their ability to win the election via legal means, that they have to employ such methods as we’ve described here.

  • OK, yes, it’s the National Enquirer. Yes, nobody else is covering the story. Yes, there’s a Clintonista running the place.  But given that on three occasions in the last six months by my count, they’ve managed to scoop the MSM with accurate stories that seriously damaged Obama’s campaign,  you really have to wonder about this. Dan Riehl describes the story this way:

    .Okay, to summarize – from the time he was a child until he was a young man, I guess, Barack Obama drank whiskey, wrote dirty limericks, read poetry and, um, was counseled by a sexual deviant, child molester, rapist of children? That about cover it? And in his book he said it had a lasting effect on him? .

    Well…. actually, I don’t wonder at all. I believe it.  Here’s the thing: Of late the National Enquirer has shown itself to be of greater trustworthiness than has Obama, or the remainder of the MSM.  Look, gang… this is not piling on, nor is it blaming the victim. I don’t recall Obama ever once claiming victim status at the hands of Davis.  I’m not about to blame someone for such misjudgements at age 10.

    The question being asked, however, is have those abilities improved since he became an adult.

    One assumes, for example he was an adult when he called the not so Rev. Jerry Wright his freind and mentor.

    Similarly, We must assume he was an adult when his ghost writer gushed over how Davis was his mentor.

    We must assume he was an adult when he started dealing with Tony Rezko and Bill Ayers. And so on, and so on.

    Apparently, then the answer to the question is ‘no’, those abilities have not gotten a bit better. Since Obama’s entire claim at legitimacy for the office of POTUS rests on his supposedly ‘superior judgements’, this report, in combo with the remainder of the judgement issues we’ve explored here and wlewhere,  would seem quite important, indeed.

  • LGF has noted what it calls Ugly Misogyny at the Official Obama Blog Site Anyone who thinks this is a new thing for Democrats has obviously nt been at the Democratic Underground of late.
  • I predicted last night that the scandal surrounding Florida Democrat Tim Mahoney, would be quickly swept under the rug. Fox was the only one I saw even mentioning the story, so I may have been more right than I knew.
  • Let’s see. An all -time-record up day on Wall Street yesterday. Another huge up day today. Is it OK to blame Bush?
  • Obama has said he will meet with Iran with no preconditions. Now he’s denying what he said, of course but that’s normal. He’s a Democrat, after all. But now, Bruce notes, Iran has set preconditions for a meeting.

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