Michelle Malkin:

A Pennsylvania source has just leaked me brand spanking new poll data showing GOP upstart Bill Russell leading John Murtha among over 800 probable voters by 48-35.

This comes on top of the Susquehanna poll showing Murtha ahead of Russell by 4 points, within the margin of error.

Interesting, if true… and I have no cause to doubt it. Remember, I said here just a couple days ago…

What’s this about Jack Murtha cancelling his debate? One gets the impression he’s done, by means of some Democrat directive or another. Certainly, every time he opens his mouth, he’s in trouble. Perhaps the DNC doesn’t like him being a lightning rod, anymore?

Looks like I called that one. He’s an embarrassment to the Democrats and since they figure losing him won’t cost much in terms of the overall balance in Congress,  ol’ Jihad Jack finds himself going bye bye.

Jack Murtha actually deserves jail time, and the eternal scorn of the American people. The sad part is, the way the Democrats have apparently worked this, with Murtha quietly going away in a electoral defeat,  the Democrats get to claim victim status, instead of it being shown clearly that what caused all this was the hard left politics the Democrats have signed themselves on for.

As it is I’ll be satisfied when he’s removed from office by the landslide he appears headed for.  That vote tells me those in his district know he’s disgraced himself and his office. He’ll live with that infamy the rest of his life. Of course, he’ll say it’s all a right wing conspiracy.

But deep in whatever heart he has left, he knows he turned his back on his country, on the corps, and on his oaths.

All for his political party… who in turn, apparently, dumped him.

Enjoy the trade you’ve made, Murtha. You’ll find no sympathy here.

Good riddance.

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