Trig Palin can sleep soundly tonght.  The LSM has found a new villian.  one Joe  Wurzelbacher, b/k/a Joe the Pumber.    Wurzelbacher is the type of person the ‘rats like call working families, or in other words, the ‘rats’ self-porclaimed base.   Yet why has a humble pumber from Toledo, Ohio became the target of the ‘rats’ rage?   Has questioning the Messiah became a hanging offense?   Why are BO’s minions more intent on destroying Wurzelbacher than finding Usama bin Laden?

for what it is worth, I posit my theory.   Wurzelbacher was a plant of one Piper Palin to destract the lefttards from their reckless search to prove that her borther, Trig, is really her bastard cousin.

On the surfact, this does not make sense.    It lis ike using a jack hammer to drive a fine penny naill.   The LSM would have you believe that BO is heading for a massive landslide.  Yet if that is the case, why hte intense effort to destroy one plumber.   New York Slimes.

Stop to ACUL offers reax:

The New York Times, of course, takes the ball farther.  I now quite literally know more about the professional qualifications, tax status, personal life and rumors regarding Joe the Plumber than I know about Barack Obama’s professional life prior to entering the Senate.  Amazing.  Because he asked a question.

Meanwhile TPM Cafe makes an ass of itself.

More:  Newsbusters,  Michelle, Jammie Wearing Fool,  

Just imagine the LSM was half as interested in characters like Tony Rezko, Jerimiah Wright, Bill Ayers and Frank Davis as they are in pumber from Toledo.