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Joe the Plumber is a Plot By Karl Rove And Piper Palin

Here is the Toledo Blade [1] story to which Bit refered:

Mr. Wurzelbacher was playing football in his front yard with his son, Joey, on Sunday afternoon when Mr. Obama made an unscheduled stop to go door to door greeting voters and asking for their support.

In his conversation with Mr. Wurzelbacher, Mr. Obama tried to justify his plan tax breaks to 95 percent of Americans and raise taxes on incomes above $250,000.

Mr. Obama said his plan would improve the economy for other people trying to get a start in small business, and “spread the wealth.”

In an exclusive from Bits’ Sources(BS) Bitsblog has leaned the real story.   Joe the Plumber is a Rovian plot by Karl Rove and a Wiccan, Piper Palin, to derail the Messiah try using Wiccan mind control to trick Obama into asking the only republcan in Toledo a trick question.

When asked by the source the perils of using a seven year old Wiccan to cast a spell over a dual Ivy League educated canidate, Rove replied the since the borders have been sealed, good help was just hard to find.

We are confident that at this very moment, Andrew the Excitable, is trying  to track down Trig Palin’s medical records to prove that Mr Wurzelbacher is Trig’s real mother.