Color me confused.   If you listen to most leftards and were so stupid as to actually believe them, you’d think that humans had one of five genders and could change at will by simple virtue of which restroom they choose to use.   For example, Natalia Galbetti, has no problem refering to Isis as if he were a woman:

Isis, 22, was not introduced as transgendered at first when the CW announced the list of contestants for its next season. The fact only surfaced when Isis revealed she was born as a male to Us Magazine, but she does not think that it will hurt her chances at winning.

Trust me, Natalia, if Isis, what ever his name was at birth was born as a male, he still is a male.  Sex is immutable.

On the other paw, one Wendy Doniger,  who claims to be a professor at the University of Chicago Divinity School, thinks that Sarah Palin is somehow not a woman:

Her greatest hypocrisy is in her pretense that she is a woman. The Republican party’s cynical calculation that because she has a womb and makes lots and lots of babies (and drives them to school! wow!) she speaks for the women of America, and will capture their hearts and their votes, has driven thousands of real women to take to their computers in outrage. She does not speak for women; she has no sympathy for the problems of other women, particularly working class women,

Somehow I suspect that Sarah’s husband and five children would not agree with Doniger’s rather dubious assertion that Sarah is not a woman.   I mean if a male had given birth to five children, I suspect it would have been major medical news.    In any case, I doubt that the University of Chicago would hire a professor as stupid as Doniger appears to be.   There is ample evidence that Sarah is a woman, but scant evidence Doniger is actually a professor of anything, besides maybe bovine scatology.

Hat tip:  Dallas Morning News.

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2 Responses to “The Birds And the Bees Thing”

  1. What you’re going to have to understand, David, (A rhetorical device) is that as far as leftism is concerned, ‘woman’ is a state of mind, which is in turn invariably defined by socialistic sensibilities.  It’s fairly similar to the concept of creative physics. All one needs to do, in this schola, is to declare something to be true, and it IS true.
    This is an extension of setting one’s self up as God, saying that all things, including mere facts, can be overcome by the human mind. Then God said, (“Let there be light;” and there was light.)

    With those kind of powers, sex is no longer immutable, there are as many sexes as you’d like, and the perception of one’s sexual validity can be changed by means of being politically correct.

    Yes, it sounds crazy. Funny, how reality works that way.

  2. Speaking of the god complex and BO, I repeat myself, I’ve gotten just more that a little irked with BO comparing himself to Jesus.  Now I admit that I am agnostic and do not purport myself as an expert on Jesus. However the way BO is comporting himself sure does not seem like Jesus.  BO does believe in forgiveness.  self reliance, or not worshiping idols, himself.  However I figure it better to give a theist a chance to weigh in before I do.