I have the habit of noting small, perhaps indicative things that some others might not notice. While the speech was great,  and we’ll be going over it repeatedly here and around the ‘sphere, there are quiet pictures that stay with you, and decide things for you.  Minutiae, some might call it, but usually it ends up being of greater import than many will admit. Pictures, as the saying goes, are worth a thousand words. As an example:

One of the things that I noted last night, was Palin’s youngest daughter, holding the baby… the one with Down’s syndrome… I forget his name.  I noticed, and was touched by two seperate occasions of this. In one random shot, we see the girl… of what, about 9 to 12 years old?…(She’s the one sitting next to her father, here) … wetting her fingers and smoothing the baby’s hair, and talking to him. Later, we see the same girl, still holding the baby, and looking directly into his eyes and talking to him, drawing him in to an interaction, and smiling.

Now, we’ve seen an awful lot of supposedly leftists, supposedly feminists asking if Palin has the time to be a power broker and a good mom.  Leaving aside the question of whether or not a man running for the office would ever have been asked this stuff, my conclusion based on the observations of that young girl and her brother, is yes, she clearly does have the time to do both. I suggest to you that in the in the scenes I’ve just decribed to you, the girl is exhibiting learned behavior. Her mother obviously took the time to teach her these things.

So much for that argument, even absent the discussion about who is watching Sally Quinn’s kids.

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