Well, look, we have one of two choices with this story.

  1. No. Obama didn’t mean to connect the dots, and simply fell into using a phrase. If this is the case,  his extreme insensitivity disqualifies him from any presidential duties, particularly with regard to foreign relations. That so many in his audience made the connection seems evidence that Obama himself should have picked up on it. That he didn’t exhibits an awesome level of insensitivity It’s not hard to imagine his stumbling into an international incident the same way.  He portrays himself as what he tried to portray McCain… a hip shooter, whose mouth will unquestionably lead to trouble.
  2. Yes. He DID mean to make the connection. That so many in his audience made the connection seems evidence that Obama knew full well what he was saying, and suggesting. The joke he made found it’s mark. Too clever by half, this guy. Thing is, this would seem to suggest a level of desperation, and a vicious streak that has no place near the White House.

In either event, the response from the Obama camp adviser Anita Dunn,  to inquiries, as noted by the Washington Post is amazing in it’s irony:

“Enough is enough,” Obama adviser Anita Dunn said in a statement e-mailed to reporters at 9 p.m. “The Mc Cain campaign’s attack tonight is a pathetic attempt to play the gender card about the use of a common analogy — the same analogy that Senator McCain himself used about Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s health care plan just last year.”

Dunn said, “This phony lecture on gender sensitivity is the height of cynicism and lays bare the increasingly dishonorable campaign John McCain has chosen to run.”

Apparently, both the head of the ticket and the advisors are both oblibious to reality. How much of whatever these people are smoking does it take to, after Obama’s sexist performance, lecture McCain on a diversity issue? Or maybe they’re simply running out of feces to throw?

Oops… I guess I just compared Obama and Dunn to chimps, didn’t I? How insensitive of me.

Well, come to think of it, not by Dunn’s lights, when Obama was the speaker so I guess I’m OK, by that standard, huh?

(Are you getting the message, yet, Anita?)



Boortz this monring makes the point that this comment came as he was off the teleprompter. We’ve commented in the past how weak Obama is when he has to thinkfor himself, on the fly. Is this  simply yet another indication how he’s simply not capable of taking on the White House? I think it is.

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