BO's EgoA few ascute commentators have noticed something rather strange about this official BO poster. Thomas Lifson, American Thinker, and Doug Ross, Journal.   Even Richard  Nixon had the common courtesty to treat Spiro Agnew in public as an equal.   Joe Biden could do four years without ever having to leave his home state of Delaware.

Barack Obama is a man of modest intellect, limited achievement, much failure, but an virtually unlimited ego.  Lord knows why.

Point to ponder, the last person person to seek the presidency at BO’s age, albeit with a bit more experience, was John F. Kennedy.  Like Obama, Kennedy hid his medical records.  Kennedy could not afford to wait is turn to be President.  He was a dying man.   Is there a Kennedy like reason for BO’s urgent quest for always yet higher office?   Is Joe Biden doing what Harry Truman did in Forty-Six?  Running for office with a virtual dead man.  Tune back in say six month for a possible answer.

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One Response to “Ego Thy Name is Barack”

  1. Point to ponder, the last person person to seek the presidency at BO’s age, albeit with a bit more experience, was John F. Kennedy.  Like Obama, Kennedy hid his medical records.  Kennedy could not afford to wait is turn to be President.  He was a dying man.  Is there a Kennedy like reason for BO’s urgent quest for always yet higher office?  Is Joe Biden doing what Harry Truman did in Forty-Six?  Running for office with a virtual dead man.