Why the cows, a/k/a the feminazi, a/k/a gender feminists are doomed.   Mother Nature is not a feminist.  The long explanation by John Derbyhire, National Review,:

In biology, however, “fitness” is a term of art, a measure of how well an organism is adapted to its environment. Reproductive success is a pretty good measure of fitness, in this term-of-art sense. Thus if, as my reader seems to believe, dumb people have more kids than smart ones, then dumb people are fitter (in the biological sense) than smart people, by definition. They are better adapted to their environment.

You might think that smart people are superior in some way to dumb people, but Ma Nature doesn’t agree with you. The only “superiority” She acknowledges is reproductive success. She also doesn’t insist that every species, in every environment, get smarter, faster, bigger, and stronger. If the demands of fitness decree that dumber, slower, smaller, and weaker bring reproductive success, She’s fine with it. She’s even fine with it if the fool species goes extinct … as practically all species do sooner or later.

 A simp;e explanation by James Robert “Jim Bob” and Michelle Duggar:


Hat tip: Allah Pundit, Hot Air.

The fecundant shall inherit the Earth.


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