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Life’s a Bitch

From Merriam Webster On-Line Dictionary [1]:

Main Entry: 1bitch
Pronunciation: \?bich\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English bicche, from Old English bicce
Date: before 12th century
2b: a malicious, spiteful, or overbearing woman -sometimes used as a generalized term of abuse

Jessica, Feministing, [2] has her knickers in twist over the following video(Language):


So what’s the bitch?   The term bitch is an old and well defined.  Some people do in fact fit the definition, as does Mrs. Clinton.   George W. Bush was man eouigh to serve despite being endlessly called a chimp and being compared to Hitler.  George was man enough to take the heat of the arena.  Is Mrs. Clinton capable of doing the same?  No way.

It it not like Mrs. Clinton has delicate ears and is not accustomed to salty language.    It is not like the Clintons have any particular regard for women.