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The Worst Person in the World is a Ratings Flop in Prime Time

NBC tried serving up Keith Olbermann in prime time. The attempt failed… Miserably.
Newsbusters: [1]

On Sunday, NewsBusters asked readers, “Will NBC Succeed in Making Olbermann Mainstream?” [2]

70 percent of respondents said, “No, he’s too crazy.”

Well, Nielsen ratings [3] of his “Countdown” program aired Sunday evening on NBC validate this position, and wonderfully depict Olbermann as clearly not being ready for primetime (h/t Thomas Stewart):

Let the smack talking begin: NBC ran a special one hour Countdown with Keith Olbermann and it pulled Quarterlife style numbers (3.37 million) and did even worse in the demo with a 0.5/2. I’d blame that on the basketball overrun except that a rerun of King of the Hill on Fox did about three times as well as KO in the demo. Even a rerun of America’s Next Top Model on the CW had a better 18-49 result than Olbermann. We know from our regular coverage that almost all of Olbermann’s (and O’Reilly’s too) viewers are over the age of 55 on cable, and it would seem NBC was doing their own little Katie Couric experiment to see if it could capture the youth using Keith Olbermann. The verdict is in: nope.

OK, I’m convinced. It’s all a Boooooooshhhh/Cheney/Haliburton conspiracy. clearly, there are submiminal messages beingplaced in the picture stream of  “King of the Hill” reruns.

I mean, it couldn’t be that Keith Olbermann is a pompus, guano crazy, anal pore, and the vast majority of the American people have labeled him as such? Could it?
