
[Mario] Cuomo said he’s surprised by the cold shoulder he’s received so far from the candidates, especially from Obama, since he has agreed to meet Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without preconditions. If the Democrats are willing to negotiate with foreign leaders, Cuomo asked, why not each other?

Foon Rhee,  Political Intelligence, Boston.  Hat tip:  Jim Geraghty, National Review.

Funny, Barack Obama has sworn to negotiate, without precondition with our nation’s enemies, but he will not negotiate with his fellow democrat and fellow member of the Senate Mrs. Clinton.  Why does BO think Mrs. Clinton is less trustworthy than say Hugo Chavez?

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One Response to “Snark of the Day: Mario Cuomo”

  1. The answer’s simple enough;

    It’s because in the short term neither sees our nation’s enemies as nearly as large a threat to their attaining political power, as they do the people in their own party.