• Yeah, full moon, tonight. And no, I don’t mean the guy with his butt hanging out the window of the Yugo to your left.  It’s been a weird day, already.
  • Your first clue, Billy, should have been when the two responsible for the bill are two of the more questionable critters Congress has ever produced. there’s a good deal of questions about the integrity of the one, and the sanity of the other, and the usefulness of them both.
  • Perhaps it’s time we get over Mitch Daniels. And perhaps it’s time for him to get over himself?
  • Look, Neal,blaming the Saudis isn’t solving the issue, nor is it even correct. As I said in these spaces the other day, we already have more cude, and more gasoline stockpiled, than we have in the last 15 years. The current situation is NOT, I repeat, NOT being driving by shortage.  That’s the most remarkable thing about this whole gasoline price debacle… it’s not following the laws of supply and demand.  Still, your points about drilling here at home are valid… and guess who prevented us from doing THAT? IN any event, I still say we’re due for a major price correction… down… by midsummer. And has anyone noticed what Soros is doing with his buying and selling in oil of late?
  • So, Obama is now saying that McCain would be better than Bush? Well, gee, THERE’S an endorsement for you. I mean, hey, Barrack, your campaign isn’t being driven by BDS, by chance, is it?  This is a point that Bruce touches on today, as well.
  • Even Joe Klein notes, though, that both Obama and Clinton have gone to pure pandering. I told you months ago, that what this was going to come down to was how much OPM*could be spent, and that this was going to get to the point where even the leftists in the MSM would notice. Klein, no tool of the right, he, just confrmed my point for me.
  • Clinton’s polling edge is still expanding in PA. Drudge was running a siren at about 11am that said Clinton’s internal polliing was showing an 11 point lead over Obama.  I doubt that there is any way this race could get uglier for the Democrat party. Personally, I’m going to stock up on the popcorn. Oh… and Yes, Josh Marshall, I do expect that really is what her internals are showing. it’s their accuracy that seems at issue. What you and many other Clinton watchers fail to understand is, that this whole thing is abuot control… and one major thing about poeple who like to be in control is their being attracted to their own braggadocio. People who love being in control, and Hillary and her followers are certainly in that club…  can never stop bragging about themselves, though they’ll call it ‘creating their own destiny’, and other such nonsense.  Josh seems concerned that Hillary clinton might actually BE 11 points ahead. I wouldn’t worry.  Thing is, anything less than a 20-25 point swing isn’t going to change anything, and even that may not be enough.  And she’s not even close to doing that well. Remember also that Cinton’s campaign has a history of internally inflaing it’s own numbers.. Mark Penn, or no.  So, she’s not going to get anything out of this. She is, however, doing a pretty fair job of broadsiding Obama, which will have it’s uses as the summer progresses.
  • Oh, speaking of Bruce, he also touches on the SBVT thing, and how the Democrats are trying to subvert the meaning of words to swing opinion.  Nothing new, but it is more blatant than usual.
  • So, Jimmy Carter says Hamas is willing to accept Israel as it’s neighbor? In what alternate universe, Jimmah? How many ‘peace’ deals have these thugs signed onto in the past and not kept their end of the bargain?  Sorry… they’re just not credible. Nor, are you.
  • Did you see wher PETA is attacking Al Gore? Far be it from me to defend Al Gore, but I think I should break those steaks out of the freezer tonight.
  • Speaking of which, a great weekend. Middle 70’s and sunshine. We went out to one of the locak wildlife reserves to catch some herons on film, (Well, OK, into flash memory) …caught a few trains on the way home for the boys, and just enjoyed the sunshine. Got the SUV cleaned up, and it’s looking fiiiinnnnneee.  Got 24 to the gallon on the round trip. Not so shabby for a ~300hp , ~5000lb SUV. Gotta put a coat of wax on it this week, I think. Re-aquainted myself with the idea that pollen makes my black truck look green, this time of year. The Pollen makes it look like the Grave Digger, or something…. black with that greenish tinge.
  • Enjoyed filling in over at The Conservative Reader. We’ll have to have Art fill in here for our vacations, too.
  • Speaking of Art, he makes an excellent point about the seperation of what we supposedly beleive, vs what we actually DO. I don’t think we can aver that this is not the result of an effort by secularists to seperate ourselves from our values.
  • Sure, Jon, I think you’re right;I wonder a bit if you don’t over-estimate their ability to change minds, which is what one presumes such mechanisms are for, in the end.. As an example, have they helped solve the debacle of Obama vs Clinton?  If they can’t use these new communications effectively in their internal squabbles, (and have demonstrably been unable to change minds within the party, with people who supposedly are already friendly to the basics of leftist politics) …are we really going to see them being that much more effective with the general electorate than they’ve been in the past several cycles? It seems doubtful, at best. In any event, the best they can do is reinforce the mindset of the already dedicated leftists. But it’s not going to affect anyone else. But as I say, they’re not even doing that.
* OPM=Other People’s Money

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