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Gore Gets Caught Lying Again….Well, That’s Inconvenient

It’s a famous scene from a great movie… Mel Brooks’ “Blazing Saddles”… where Slim Pickens and his band rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggers, bushwhackers, hornswagglers, train robbers, shit kickers and Methodists, roar up to destroy the town,  Slim kicks over a building before recognizing to his horror that the town they’re in….

..it’s a FAKE!!! We’ve been suckered in!!!

For some strange reason, that’s the first line that came to mind when I heard Hume earlier tonight:

There is new evidence of misleading information in Al Gore’s Oscar-winning global warming film “An Inconvenient Truth.”

ABC News reports one of the most famous shots in the movie — of Antarctic ice shelves — is a fake. The film’s visual effects supervisor says the film took the shot from the fictional movie “The Day After Tomorrow,” which created it from Styrofoam and scanned it into a computer.

“Yeah, that’s our shot,” she says. “That’s a fully computer-generated shot. There’s nothing real in there.”

ABC wanted to ask Gore whether it was wrong for a documentary to use a fabricated shot to make a point, but says he did not return their calls.

You have to wonder, how many viewers of Gore’s film, repeated Pickens’ line…

.it’s a FAKE!!! We’ve been suckered in!!!

Maybe we can get Mel to loan old Algore a song to close the re-release of his film with…

Throw out your hands.
Stick out your tush.
Hands on your hips, give ’em a push.
You’ll be surprised; you’re doing the French mistake

I mean, it just fits, doesn’t it?

How about it, Al? Going to admit the fraud you are?

It’s OK. Most of us already know.

Addendum:(Bit)  Quinn at The War room [1]notes this morning, with dripping irony, that the “ice” was styrofoam, which of course means the Ice Al Gore made his fake point from, was really made from OIL…