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Today’s the Day

Today’s the day.

Hillary Clinton either wins it all, or fails one of the several tests today, and is forced within a week or two to leave the race. THe latter happening, I cannot say I will complain about, though if she wins that means seven weeks of turmoil in the Democrat party, which can’t be all bad.
Which way this goes seems an open question. I note Dale Franks [1], this morning,  noting that the bloom is off the rose for Obama and the press corps, and by my read, that means many Democrats since the Democrats dominate the supposed mainstream media.  I won’t be live blogging this one, having other commitments, but I’ll likley have a comment or two as today progresses.

Addenudum:  (David L)

I say the pressure is on Barack Obama to knock out Mrs. Clinton, and I say he can not do it.   There is blood in the water, Obama’s blood, and Mrs. Clinton can smell it.   Obama has lead a sheltered policical life, the Ivy League and Chicago.  He is no where ready for the national arena, and it shows.