The Democrats… the gift that just keeps on giving, one scandal after another. In his first television interview since his former boss, Eliot Spitzer ((D) was ousted, Gov David Patterson (D)  has added fuel to the flame. Says the New York Observer:

“I tried it a couple of times,” he said in an interview with NY1 News, when asked if he had ever used cocaine.

It was his first television interview since he became governor last week.

Host Dominic Carter asked Paterson a number of questions about past drug use. The governor also admitted he has used marijuana, but added that he has not touched illegal drugs since his early twenties.

So, let’s see. Here we have two individuals who have a history of engaging in narcotic use, who have both had affirs with subordinates, which resulted in promotions for those subordinates. Those affairs were apparently paid for with tax money, and campaign money, as well.  In one case, we have a record of using the power of government and the power of the police against a political rival.

In short, these are simply Democrats.

Take a real close look at the Democrats, America…. and not just at the state level here in the Vampire state, but on the national level as well. The foibles of Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton are pretty well known. Put that together with what we’re seeing on the state and local levels… did you notice the goings on in Detroit, yesterday?…  The pattern is the same. When viewed in it’s totality, it amazes me that Democrats can get a dog catcher elected.

Like what you see, America? 

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