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Nightly Ramble: The Prodigal Clinch, Look Up in the Sky; It’s Super Delegate Snowjob, Moving the Server, Sniper, Bozo

  • John Venlet [1] showed up to play, yesterday. Nice to see you, John. Missed ya. He says he’s going to be posting quite a bit in the next several weeks, apparently focusing on the mortgage industry.
  • Me at Q&O [2] today, about the delegate fight:

    The system involving Super-Delegates was contrived so as to prevent what the leadership sees as undesirable candidates from being nominated. In the original case, it was Jesse Jackson, who was seen as way too liberal. These days, it’s the wife of our first black President, who is seen as way too conservative.To my thought, that’s the best indicator of how the baseline politics of the Democrats have shifted to the extreme left… and how much MoveOn dictates what happens with the Democrats, anymore.

    What I find most amusing of all is that they’ve no clue the destructive course they’ve set for themselves.

    Amusing and amazing, really.

  • We caught around 4 inches of snow, last night. Depending on how they came out, I’ll show you pics on Monday. Really pretty, even though the entire concept of snow, this time of year, bores me to tears.
  • Remember, this blog will be offline for as much as 48 hours, starting on Friday night at Midnight, because of a planned physical move.
  • They apparently caught that I-64 sniper. [3]
  • This bozo [4] should be lined up in front of a firing squad, which is supplied with his own ammo. The squad should be instructed to keep firing until enough of the stuff works to get the job done.  Slow death? Painful? Deserved. I’m sure there are folks in Afghanistan who will like the idea… the ones, particulrly who had to deal with his crap.