Mrs. William ClintonIt is a well establshed that Mrs. Clinton feels entitled to simply take what she wants.   We are faced with these facts.

One, Mrs. Clinton wanted the information from Bacack Obama’s passport records.  Joe Conason, Slate:

Note, prompted acid comment in Europe about the Illinois senator’s failure to visit the continent since assuming the committee post, and even speculation that he had never traveled there except for a short stopover in London

Two, persons took that information.

(CNN) — On three occasions since January, Sen. Barack Obama’s passport file was looked at by three different contract workers, said State Department spokesman Sean McCormack 

The contractors accessed information in the file in an unauthorized way, he said.

Two contractors were fired and one was disciplined by the contractor’s company, McCormack said.

Who would want such information.  There simply isn’t much information in a person’s passport files, NRO:

The only information on the passport that wouldn’t be in the public domain would be his Social Security number.

The only other information that would be in there would be his travel history, which wouldn’t be useful unless…

Three, this information was apparently used by Mrs. Clinton’s campaign.   Clinton campaign National Security Director Lee Feinstein, as attributed by Lynn Sweet, Sun-Times, Chicago.

As voters evaluate you as a potential Commander-in-Chief, do you think it’s legitimate for people to be concerned that you have traveled to only one NATO country, on a brief stopover trip in 2005, and have never traveled to Latin America?

The record is clear, Mrs Clinton first coveted, got and then used information from Obama private files.   Come clean Mrs. Clinton. 

Hat tiip and more: Jim Geraghty, NRO, here and here.


According to, Jeralyn, Talk Left, the passport files do not contain a list of countries visited.  Assuming Jeralyn’s list to be comprehensive means that the theft I noted in two above could not have been a vehicle for for Mrs. Clintoin’s greed.   However Mrs Clinton did covert information of where Obama travveled, she got it and used it.   It remains unclear from where and how Mrs. Clinton obtained her information.

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