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Miss Clinton’s Honor

Bit Rambled about Chelsea Clinton [1].   Now I grant you that it is not comfortable being questioned about your parents’ integrity or lack thereof.   However Miss Clinton is endorsing and campaigning for her mother, Mrs. Clinton.   The character of a candidate is a legitimate question.     See Snark of the Day [2].  Mrs. Clinton’s character, or lack thereof, is a subject of discussion.   I make darn sure it is.

I am simply not willing to give adult children a free pass on the sins of their parents.   I so held Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg’s feet to the fire [3]:

So Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg’s endorsement of Baack[sic] Obama [4] only shows that she learned her history at the family dinner table and not in the public library.   

Just as Mrs. Schlossberg is not free to gloss over the sins of her father, Miss Clinton is not free to ignore the sins of her parents.    If Miss Clinton is not willing to discuss the character of the candidate whom she is endorsing,  her only honorable option is to withdraw her endorsement and to retire from the campaign.   It would be nice to see a Clinton do the honorable thing once.

Bonus, B.J. Clinton is fond of issuing apologies for what was not responsible. like slavery.   In the Clinton family spirit, maybe Miss Clinton should apologize for her parents’ behavior?