Much is being made just now, of the possiblity of the DNC making a ‘do-over’ in Florida and Michagan.  If I considdered oward Dean a principled man, I’d suggest he wouldn’t do it on the basis of principle. But these are Democrats we’re talking about, and thus principle and the application thereof is not the primary consideration.

James Joyner gets into all of this, this monring, with an overview of some of the surrounding issues.

There is unquestionably a sense of irony surrounding the idea that twice, now, the election hangs, for Democrats on Florida. And now, this time, Mich, too.

This is imporant, I think, because of the degree of emotionalism that the Democrat party tends to base it’s campaigns… and it’s chocies of campaigners.. on. The combo is a deadly one, either way Dean were to rule on this one. James suggests calling a do-over is dangerous for Dean and the Democrats. I suggest that the party is divided at near enough 50/50 as to not matter much, which way he rules… any choice at all is bound to tick off half the party, and likely cost the independant vote, as well… and across the country, not just in those states.

Either way, it comes off as high-handed, and we’ll see charges of both an arbitrary ruling, and a pre-selection by the DNC.

However that subset goes, there’s the image of a party that is in extreme disarray, and over the last 4 presidential cycles, a situation that’s been getting worse.

In all of this the one thing that shows rather clearly is something I’ve been lamenting for some time; the only thing that makes McCain look good is the Democrats…. now, not only from a matter of policy, but as a matter of sheer organizational inability.

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