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Character Assassination? Oh, Please.

Mike Allen over to The Politico [1] reports:

CHICAGO – The church attended by Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) fought back Sunday against mounting criticism of its pastor, accusing the media of character assassination and “crucifixion.”

See, that’s how it works with liberals. Uncle Bithead is about to teach you how to do this stuff….

said1.jpg [2]

To assassinate their character, in this case, Wright, all one need do is run a tape of them speaking, publicly, without editing out the nasty unAmerican parts..

To cast aspersions on a member of that congregation, In this case, Obama, all one need do is run a tape, unedited, of said member calling the religious leader in question, their mentor, and moral leader, and mentioning how he married the subject and baptized his daughters, and how he’d been a member there for 20 years.

Any questions, class? In short, we can’t take their words at face value. We can’t trust their words.Even though he’d been there absorbing that hatred for 20 years, and calling this moron’s teachings his own moral center, he couldn’t possibly AGREE with that hateful nonsense, right? Except his own wife spouts the same anti-American nonsense….

Ooops. Shouldn’t have mentioned that, huh?

Oh… it gets better. McQ has much more [3]. Go read.

Addendum I:(Bit)

In the end, all of this came about because he was so tightly wrapping himself up in that particular church and that particular pastor, in his effort to disprove the rumor that he is a Muslim. Because of what he said during that effort, he cannot now  seperate himself from Wright and his overt racism, without calling his own veracity into question.

(Translation for liberals: He exposes himself as a liar.)

Liberation Theology at it’s finest.

Addendum II:  ( David L)

Allah Pundit, Hot Ai [4]r, offers a diffeent take.  On Fox News, as Juan Williams sees it, Barack Obama sought out the Black Liberation Theology to booster, or establish, his credentials as a black.    For Obama to repudiate Williams would be like Bobby Byrd trying yto repudiate teh Klu Klux Klan.   You can’t diss the girl you brought to the dance.

Addendum III:  (David L)

Lisa Schiffren, National Review [5], links to Spengler, Asia Times [6], who collaborates Juan Williams:

Whether Obama takes seriously the doctrines that Wright preaches is another matter. It is possible that Obama does not believe a word of what Wright, Cone and Hopkins teach. Perhaps he merely used the Trinity United Church of Christ as a political stepping-stone. African-American political life is centered around churches, and his election to the Illinois State Senate with the support of Chicago’s black political machine required church membership. Trinity United happens to be Chicago’s largest and most politically active black church.

So we are left with a distinct picture of Barack Obama not necessarily as person who holds radicial relgious views, but rather as a person who adopts relgious view for naked political purposes.    I mean, it isn’t even clear that Obama is not a Muslim.