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Al Gore: The Miracle on Madison Ave

Sister Toldjah: [1]

It’s blaspheme [2]! Pure and simple!

I don’t think he’s [John Coleman’s] serious about wanting to actually sue The Goracle and other global warming alarmists in order to resolve the global warming debate – at least I hope he isn’t. It shouldn’t be up to the courts to decide the merits of either argument (contrary to the left’s beliefs on the issue). I think what Coleman, a noted critic [3] of the alarmist’s arguments about our impending doom, is saying that it’s so hard to get a two-sided debate on the issue, that perhaps he would try the legal route, since other attempts haven’t been successful.

Edmund Gwenn,and Natalie Wood in the 1947  20th Century Fox production of [4] Ya know, I can’t help but think that the left views this kind of thing as a “Miracle on 34th Street” type of scenario.  After all, what Gore is selling is most certainly based on the same level of proof as the concept of Santa Claus.

As much as I agree with Sis that the court is no place to make scientific judgments, I do have to say that using the liberal’s own tool… the court system… against them on this nonsnese does have it’s appeal… mostly it’s one of the few things we might use they ahve any degree of respect for.

So, let’s haul Gore into court, and see if he really IS Santa. I suspect he won’t do quite so we as the subject of the movie did, being more the Miracle of Madison Ave, rather than 34th Street.