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Why the Silence, John? Must be the Snow That Puts Him Off.

I note with interest that Jonathan Martin has put up a post at Politico [1] making note of the fact that the global warming business has all but disappeared from John McCain’s speechmaking. Apparently McCain has finally figured out it’s not Al Gore he’s trying to get votes from, but Republicans.

After hitting it in most every appearance he made in New Hampshire and Michigan, John McCain now rarely brings up the topic of global warming.

McCain’s strong views on addressing climate change play well among independents and Democrats, but most of the GOP base either disagrees with him about the issue or just has little interest in it.

I think you under-estimate the second half of that, but pray, continue, Jon.

He didn’t raise it often in South Carolina and, at a town hall meeting in West Palm Beach today, chose instead to focus his remarks on the economy and national security.

South Carolina, of course, is a conservative state and even the independents who took part in the GOP primary there were likely well right of center.  And the Florida primary is open to only Republicans.

Asked about why he raised it in some places but not others, McCain admitted that the decision was driven by the nature of his audience.

We have a word for that, guy… “Pandering”. Oh, I know he likes to call it being a ‘Maverick’… but still…

The Global warming hoax  has been exposed many times over as being exactly that. A hoax. And that McCain signs onto it, tells me all I need to know about how much tax money and jobs are going to be sacrificed to this phantom crisis under a McCain presidency. There’s a thin line between being a ‘Maverick’ and a “Loose Cannon”.