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What’s Wrong with This Picture?

Well, let’s see.

Mike Huckabee spent his day fighting back against Rush Limbaugh, who says Huck isn’t a conservative. [1] He then went on to detail several new government welfare programs. [2]

John McCain battled the age issue, saying at Age 78… what he may (Or may not) be eight years from now, he’d have the stamina for the job… and also saying he’d answer more questions after his nap. [3] If only they could keep the “Secure the Border’ people quiet, he might be able to get a little shuteye.

Meanwhile, Mitt Romney, whom McCain called a pig [3] just recently, was making headway against the charge he had grunted derisively in reply. And speaking of spending, Romney is still stinging from Rudy Giulianni’s charges that government spending in his state grew by 8% in the 4 years he was in office.

And for his part, Giulianni is still on record [4] against the line item veto which would be the single biggest boon to cutting government spending ever.

Oh… and yes, of course there’s Ron Paul, apparently for no other reason than for the entertainment factor. What’s a sitcom without a loony, after all?

All this, the press covers.

Fred Thompson, meanwhile, keeps answering problems with specific ideas that make sense, almost never gets called out for his facts being wrong, and yet the press ignores him. Perhaps because among the whole mess of them, Thompson is the only conservative?