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Scott Johnson: The Case Against John McCain

Scott Johnson, Powerline [1], has “The case against John McCain [1].” I’ll go beyond Rick Santorum, and I don’t trust McCain on foreign or defense policy either. McCain has the problem of letting extraordinary temper get the better of his rather ordinary judgement.

Sure John McCain is a genuine war hero, he flew flighters on and off or carriers into battle. Then to, George McGovern was real war hero. He flew Liberators in the ETO. Neither man could be trusted as to be president.

Addendum I: (Bit) By way of RWN [2], Rick Santorum makes his own case against McCain [3]

Also, John quotes Rush Limbaugh who talks about this one as well: [4]

McCain-Feingold alone. This isn’t Republican, to limit free speech. This is the Incumbent Protection Act, and, of course, the amnesty program, McCain loves to say (McCain impression), “It’s not amnesty! You hear me, sailor? It’s not…amnesty!” But it’s amnesty. It was amnesty, and that’s why it went down to a scorching, blazing defeat. It’s not amnesty? McCain’s “stated opposition to Bush’s tax cuts in 2001-2003, largely based on…class warfare rhetoric.” He said (McCain impression), “We can’t do this, it’s tax cuts for the rich. I’m not going to do tax cuts for the rich!” “The public record is full of statements like these. Today he recalls only his insistence on accompanying spending cuts,” and they didn’t want any spending cuts in there so he wouldn’t support tax cuts. But people have forgotten, in 2001 McCain was still steaming over 2000 and the South Carolina primary after the contretemps regarding Bob Jones University, the religion and so forth. He had it in for Bush. In 2003, his anger hadn’t dwindled much. So he was opposing Bush’s tax cut, using class warfare rhetoric. “As chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation…” I know people are asking, “Rush, why are you doing this?”I’ll tell you why I’m doing it — because no Republican in the debate last night did it. Somebody has to do it! “As chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, McCain was consistently hostile to American enterprise, from media and pharmaceutical companies to technology and energy companies.” How many of us can forget the Gang of 14 debacle? Remember that, ladies and gentlemen? The Gang of 14 “prevented the Republican leadership in the Senate from mounting a rule change that would have ended the systematic use (actual and threatened) of the filibuster to prevent majority approval of judicial nominees.” You never had to have 60 votes to get a judicial nominee approved. The Democrats started filibustering, you needed 60 votes. We were going to pull the trigger on the nuclear option to get rid of this once and for all and McCain rides in with Senator Lindsey Grahamnesty and others, to form the Gang of 14 — which, by the way, has expired, ladies and gentlemen. The Gang of 14 deal has expired now.

In short, the Republicans would be better off with a Democrat in the White House, than a John McCain.

It’s really that simple, that direct, and the evidence against McCain that damning.

Addendum II:  While we on the subject of what is wrong with John McCain, Mark R. Levin scores five points;  McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, McCain-Lieberman, McCain-Kennedy-Edwards and McCain-Reimportation of Drugs   Read Mark here [5].

That is all.