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Paglia on Hillary Clinton

Ya know, it’s early in the morning yet, but there’s something very wrong with that title. Else, there’s something very right with it, I can’t figure which.

Anyway, check this:

 Hillary’s willingness to tolerate Bill’s compulsive philandering is a function of her general contempt for men. She distrusts them and feels morally superior to them. Following the pattern of her long-suffering mother, she thinks it is her mission to endure every insult and personal degradation for a higher cause — which, unlike her self-sacrificing mother, she identifies with her near-messianic personal ambition.

It’s no coincidence that Hillary’s staff has always consisted mostly of adoring women, with nerdy or geeky guys forming an adjunct brain trust. Hillary’s rumored hostility to uniformed military men and some Secret Service agents early in the first Clinton presidency probably belongs to this pattern. And let’s not forget Hillary, the governor’s wife, pulling out a book and rudely reading in the bleachers during University of Arkansas football games back in Little Rock.

Hillary’s disdain for masculinity fits right into the classic feminazi package, which is why Hillary acts on Gloria Steinem like catnip.

…But Hillary herself, with her thin, spotty record, tangled psychological baggage, and maundering blowhard of a husband, is also a mighty big roll of the dice. She is a brittle, relentless manipulator with few stable core values who shuffles through useful personalities like a card shark (“Cue the tears!”). Forget all her little gold crosses: Hillary’s real god is political expediency. Do Americans truly want this hard-bitten Machiavellian back in the White House? Day one will just be more of the same.”

hillary.gif [1]OK, first of all, Camile Paglia preaching about hatred of men strikes me as a bit off center, but past that of course she’s got Hillary nailed… as she always has since she noted her “Pink Estrogen light “ [2] a decade ago.  What Paglia notes is, I think the basis for some of the Democrat anger with Hillary Clinton, though I wonder if Paglia herself has thought that matter through quite so far.

Hillary Clinton is all over the board, emotionally, and logically. I submit that electing her to the White House introduces an unstable element, to an already unstable world situation…. particularly when so much of her self-identification runs directly afoul of what has been working for us in the world… Bush policy.

BBCT: RWN  [3]

Addendum:  (David L)

Michelle [4] has commented that she does not believe that Mrs. Clinton upset victory in New Hampshire represents a turn around.   Given that all the democrat endorsements in the wake New Hampsphire have gone to Barack Obama, the lady seems to have a point.

Conservatives, such as myself,  have long been repulsed by the behavior of the Clintons and puzzled by the gender feminists seeming acceptance of it.    I have an emerging theory, H/T:  Pat Sanity, that while the gender feminists knew, in their hearts, that Mrs. Clinton was a weak woman,   they abided by her as long as she played the part of strong woman on the campaign trail.

Now that Mrs. Clinton has dropped her pretense of strength gender feminists like Gloria Stienem, Maureen Dowd and Camile Paglia no longer feel the duty to support her, and indeed have a strong urge to attack her.  Welcome on board girls.

Aside:  Now if you were to listen to the cows, you would believe that only cave dwelling troglodytes like Rush Limbaugh used terms like feminazi.