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Nightly Ramble: Cows, Bull, Freedom,and Other Verbage

  • Another Honorable mention at the udderly ridicowlus version of OTB’s caption contest [1].
  • Speaking of OTB, Joyner is running a headline…Huckabee and Al Qaeda Oppose Guantánamo. [2]And James? Huckabee is dead wrong here. This should end his WH run, far as I’m concerned.
  • Look, Billy [3] I agree with most of what you say about the ‘experiment’ nonsense. And Kim is unfocused on the subject, at least.  But look, did the founders figure they were going to see the full fruit of their labors? Did they figure their children would? The answer of course, is ‘no’.  So yes, being patient is, in fact, part of the deal. By the way, stopping a socialist “tide” is an interesting metaphor, given the slow and almost un-noticable movement of the tide, (unless you’re in a place like say, Fundy.) The awful truth is we didn’t get to this level of infusion of socialism all at a go. It’s not going to go away all at a go, either. Even the war we’ve discussed many times, isn’t going to suddenly change that picture to a non-socialist world, or even a non-socialist COUNTRY.  That’s because moving away from socialist dogma is a matter of changing minds. And war seldom does that, of itself. Where successes occur, there is an educational process that is the bigger part of that success. That’s because a war, generally, is a short term action… and changing minds takes far more time.  We’re not going to get where you and I both want to get, by shortcutting the process.
  • I see John Kerry has endorsed Obama. MIchelle is talking about that, here. [4]Well, maybe Obama will get a lot of votes anyway, in spite of the loser’s ‘support’. Michelle points up and I agree that what’s going on is exactly what prompted McGovern to open his bazzoo a few days ago… he’s desperate to maintain relevancy. He didn’t succeed, but maybe Obama won’t be too damaged by the attempt. We’ll see.
  • I didn’t see the debate tonight…. (I just got home) but apparently Fred Thompson, by all accounts, won the thing going away.  JPOD, from his new digs at Commentary Magazine [5]: “Thompson is not only winning this debate, he is giving the most commanding debate performance we’ve seen from any candidate in either party since the beginning of this endless primary process.” Heady stuff.
  • I’ll leave you with a couple shots of the result of those 75mph winds, I spoke of the other night. This is a tree that fell onto some power lines, and knocked out power for most of the area. When it fell, it did so smack in the middle of a four lane residential street, dragging hot wires with it. I was on my way into work when it fell. When it did, my server rack went to battery power, and shen it does that, it’s programmed to send an Email to my cell phone to let me know the power’s gone.  I had to run home to see what was what, since I have a sump pump, here.  Power was back on by the time I got back, at least to our house, but as I say several streets were dark and the main road was closed for a couple days. That closing resulted in all the heavy traffic being sent along backroads not designed for it. The shot with the cars is up my street the next day. On the main road shot, note the light pole leaning in. That’s not normal. The pole had the main feed wire for the blacked out areas, whn the tree took the wire out, the pole got pulled in, too. Notice too,how tall those poles are.  Those are high tension wires that are feeding a substation, which in turn feeds the whole west side of town. Bottom line; had that pole fallen, a lot more people would have been cold for one pine tree falling.
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