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McGovern: Still Struggling for Relevance

As we enter the eighth year of the Bush-Cheney administration, I have belatedly and painfully concluded that the only honorable course for me is to urge the impeachment of the president and the vice president.

That’s George McGovern [1], in a WaPo op-ed, today.

Here’s a man who proved just how irrelevant he was to the American mainstream by losing in a landslide election of proportions that have yet to be topped, still out there trying to become relevant, by attacking those who actually are relevant.

George McGovern [2]The nation told George McGovern on no uncertain terms back in 1972 that nobody but the fringes of American life cared at all what he had to say. His political fortunes (Thank God) have not improved with time. He is not seen as a great statesman, now or then…. at least by the majority. Indeed, he is a truly pitiable figure… and I do pity him… still struggling for that last shred of political relevance in a world that decided he was totally irrelevant 37 years gone…

All this is not to suggest that he won’t get some admiration from the BDS crowd [3].  But that connection doesn’t buoy McGovern, his fortunes and his relevance, as much as it labels and damns the BDS crowd as totally irrelevant, like McGovern himself. I suppose in that regard, what he’s doing could be considered a public service, of damnation of that BDS crowd by association with him, though I expect he wouldn’t agree with the assessment.  Not that anyone would care.

McGovern is clearly concerned with his legacy. Someone ought to advise him he’d be better off shutting up, now, lest his more recent comments overcome what little public perception of sanity he’s managed to build up in the last 37 years.

I wonder, if he’d listen.

BBCT: Jules Crittenden, [4] Memeorandum

Addendum: (Bit) Ron Coleman at RWN: [5]

Does being the worst-ever-loser in a Presidential election give you a free spot in the Post for life?

Heh… no., Ron. That only works if you’re a Democrat.