On the eve of Doctor Martin Luther King Day,  I pose a question.   Does socioloigical change come from outside or within?   I suggest the latter.   True change comes from self-examination and then rejection.  

So did mainstream culture change due to pressure from agitators, for lack of a better word, like Doctor King, or from self-examination.  Kyle-Anne Shiver, American Thinker,  provides power, albeit, anecdotal evidence:

I am a white lady, and a mere two generations removed from a plantation in Mississippi.  I grew up during the 50s and 60s hearing the stories of grandparents who were raised there, and who spoke as if General Sherman were still burning houses somewhere close by, and the War Between the States had been fought only a few years back.  One of the reasons that I’m a Republican today is that I grew up among genuine white racists — all strident Democrats to their graves.

If Doctor King was such a seminal agent for change, why is message so ignored today?

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