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It’s Called “Honesty”. Man, What a Concept!

I get asked fairly frequently of late, what are you guys gonna do if one of the (current) frontrunners wins the Republican nomination? Aren’t you painting yourselves into a corner just a little by targeting the front runners? (Example, calling Huckabee a flaming liberal, and an idiot?, your frequent attacks on John McCain, and so on)

Honest? [1]The answer, candidly, is no.

Look; we’ve never been afraid to go after the current president when we thought he was wrong, as an example on immigration. Back in the GT BBS days, I even wrote a column or two sideswiping President Reagan on various points… (Alas, most of the stuff I wrote back then is lost to time and the myriad of platform translations)

Similarly, I think the current president is far too willing to compromise with Democrats in a go along to get along type of attitude. We have frequently chastised him for that, and rightfully so. After all, what would you think of us if we didn’t, or simply because he was the president and a Republican? You might even call us “Democrats”. Isn’t that how the left acted about Bill Clinton? Supporting him right or wrong?

There are aspects of each of the Republican front runners that we like. There are aspects of each of the front runners that we dislike. You’ll hear about both as they come up in the current events stream. That’s the other thing we’re being driven by, invariably… current events. The one Candidate David and I like best to date is Fred Thompson. But if we get our wish, and he gets nominated AND elected, rest assured, we’ll be complaining about some of the things he does while in office.

Meantime, the Democrats, and Ron Paul, provide us with a target rich environment being loaded to the gills with things that we don’t like. You’ve been hearing about those all along, also, and you’ll continue to.

The bottom line is we’ll support somebody we think they’re right. We will attack the hell out of them when we think they’re wrong. It’s what we’ve always done here. We may even disagree among ourselves on those points. Been known to happen frequently. Then again, that’s OK, too…we’d be less than honest with you if we didn’t.

Addendum: (David L)

Bottom line is that each of us will support the candidate whom we as an individual believes will be best for the country Right now that candidate is named Fred Thompson.  Should Fred not get the nomination we will have to choose between the lesser of two evils.

Speaking only for myself, I want to judge a candidate by his core beliefs and not by the banner under which he flying It is hard to imagine any candidate being less attractive then Mrs. Clinton. However, Mike Huckabee will get absolutely no credit for posing as if he were a republican.  If the choice comes down to two liberals, I think the more honest one would make the better candidate.  Hard to give Huckabee any credit for honesty while he posing as a republican.

Addendum II:(Bit)

Agreement, with the stipulation that we would be hard pressed, indeed, to find an honest liberal.