Mrs. William ClintonHere is a reminder of why Bob Shrum is a highly paid political advisor, from the New York Daily-News:

The Clinton industry, encrusted with the beneficiaries and acolytes of the first and probably only Clinton presidency, has turned Hillary into a product whose sell-by date has passed. In a year of change, she has been positioned as the establishment candidate. The relentless appeal to “experience” reinforces that – and too often elides into a dubious attempt to take credit for some of Bill’s accomplishments

Here is evidence of why Shrum’s has s history is backing losers:

So it’s a long shot, with one and only one possible road to recovery: Let Hillary be Hillary. Throw away the product packaging – those poll-tested small-bites of policy – and set out a big case about what she wants to do in the next four years, not what she has done for the past 35

Mrs. Clinton’s thirty-five years of experience have yielded zero accomplishments, aside from a one time run in cattle futures and a long term run managing bimbo eruptions.   Sure let Shrillary be Shrillary. 

Hat Tip:  Memeorandum


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