Well, what do you know… Ibrahim Hooper… the CAIR spokesman, and usually an Islamic Extremist Apologist, manages to surprise Uncle Bithead, this morning, as regards the TeddyBear case in the Sudan:

Even if Ms. Gibbons had the intent to cause insult, which does not seem to be the case, Islamic traditions include a number of instances in which the Prophet had the opportunity to retaliate against those who abused him, but refrained from doing so.

The complaint brought against Gillian Gibbons was an inappropriate use of Sudan’s legal system to deal with what was in essence a disagreement between parents and a teacher. Ms. Gibbons should never have been charged. She should be released immediately.

I wonder at the genesis of this. (Pardon the pun)

One thing which cannot be denied, however, is the concept that Islam is not the monolithic bloc we’ve seen of late. Still, the reasonable portion of that culture is all too small, and fearful.

That someone like Hooper is able to come off as being ‘reasonable’ strikes me as nothing more than proof of how radicalized the Sudan has become. It’s also proof that Islam is simply, as a culture, not doing well enough in managing it’s own and it’s place in the world.

Memeorandum has notes up that the teacher has been pardoned by the President of the Sudan. As Hooper suggests, things should not have gotten to this stage.  However, I’m not in a celebratory mood. Do we celebrate hitting someone unreasonably hitting us over the head with a 2*4, because it feels good when they stop?

Are islamic radicals afraid of a teddy bear?Hooper says this was merely a disagreement between a teacher and a parent.

Uh-uh….Not when we see death threats, it’s not.  What we saw with this case, as with most things involving Islam of late, is not peace… but rather, FEAR.  Either fear inflicted on someone else… as in scaring the crap out of an elderly schoolteacher… or fear in the protesters, who reacted to that fear by calling for the death of that schoolteacher. Theirs clearly was a fear reaction. They’re afraid of the teddy bear… and what it represents.

It’s time we started dealing with it as such. Truly, a front in the war on terror.

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