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Snark of the Day: Jonah Goldberg

Jonah wins this one going away: [1]

snark2.jpg  By now you’ve probably heard that CNN made such a laughingstock of itself at the recent YouTube debate in Florida that it could only have been worse if host Anderson Cooper conducted it in fluent Klingon.

In what was billed as a glorious exercise in democratic do-goodery and civic seriousness, CNN opened its gates to the American people and, to their surprise, the network’s relentlessly touted credibility ran out the door like a dog in heat. Nearly a third of the questioners in the debate proved to be if not outright plants of the Democratic Party or other liberal interests, then at least very far from the “ordinary Americans” this whole circus was supposed to be catering to.

It’s a great line….

What Jonah fails to reckon with is that those people are CNN’s vision of what is mainstream America.  That is their biggest credibility issue.