Fred explained Mike Huckabee if a few short words: He is not a consevative.   Paul Mirengoff, Powerline, is a wee bit more verbose:.

Paul Mirengoff Huckabee seems to believe he deserves a “pass” by virtue of his status as an evangelical and the fact that evangelicals have supported Republicans. That’s a dangerous mind set. Other serious Republican candidates have no difficulty understanding that resistance to them flows not from prejudice or elitism but from legitimate policy differences. Thus, Rudy Giuliani understands that his “pro-choice” and related positions, not anti-Catholicism, represent the source of Republican resistance. And John McCain has acknowledged that his position on immigration reform, not prejudice or personal animus (of which there actually is some), was the reason why his campaign faltered so dramatically. Huckabee’s small-mindedness stands in sharp contrast, and constitutes another reason to see him as second-tier in stature, if not in present popularity

I don’t believe that Huckabee in fact believes that being an evangelical entitles him to a free pass.  Rather Huckabee uses his evanglical card much like Mrs. Clinton uses her sex card, to avoid examination.  Mrs. Clinton does not want her lack of qualifications and experience actually examined.   Huckabee does not want to defend his liberal policy positions.

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