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Ummm. Hugo? OPEC has Always BEEN a Political Org.

McQ over at Q&O: [1]

Frankly I’m surprised it has taken him so long to realize the potential [2].

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez wants to turn OPEC into “an organization of monopoly and exploitation,” according to Saudi King Abdullah.

The Arab leader rebuked his South American counterpart during this weekend’s rare meeting of leaders of oil-producing states. Here’s an excerpt from the 23-minute speech that drew his ire:

“OPEC was born as a geopolitical force and not only as a technical or economic one in the ’60s,” Chavez said, according to Bloomberg News. “We should continue to strengthen OPEC, but beyond that, OPEC should set itself up as an active political agent.”

Hugo’s two for two in pissing off Kings this month. But don’t take this lightly. Obviously Abdullah isn’t for it right now, but things and circumstances change. Chavez realizes the potential of such an organization even if he is too dumb to keep quiet about it.

Bruce should not be surprised by this.  The reason that crazy uncle Hugo hasn’t figured this out until just recently is because he is fundamentally stupid.  This is totally borne out in his policies, and in his public ravings. Hugo’s biggest problem, however, would seem to be that he hasn’t noticed that OPEC has been using oil for political reasons for decades, now.

Destroy Citgo [3]For that matter, so have the Democrat party in the United States.

Where, for example, you think all of this business about global warming, and this screaming about energy independence, (while not allowing us to drill for our own oil in the name of the ‘environment) and high taxes on gasoline, and mileage requirements, and so on, is coming from?  Pure politics.  And all surrounding oil.  It would make Crazy Uncle Hugo proud… if he were smart enough to notice. The Democrat part is doing, on a domestic scale, what Chavez wants to do world wide.