It’s as I said yesterday… the left… and this of course includes the press, is truly worried about Hillary Clinton getting the Democratic Party nod. How else would something like this appear in anything to do with the New York Times?

A day after she appeared to struggle to give her views on the subject, Hillary Rodham Clinton offered support today for Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s effort to award New York driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, as her campaign sought to contain potentially damaging fallout from what her own supporters saw as a tense and listless debate performance.

Mrs. Clinton’s statement affirming her support of Mr. Spitzer in his office came less than a day after she offered a muddled and hesitant position on the bill, prompting a round of denunciations by her opponents. It signaled the extent to which her advisers viewed that moment as the biggest misstep she made in the debate, and one with long-term potential to undermine her candidacy.

Tense she may well have been, but listless she was decidedly not. More scared to death, if I’m any judge of what people do when the Kleig lights go on.

And here’s another thing; Spitzer, as we have discussed, here, has been subjected to a lot of heat and smoke over the New York driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants thing. And now, Hillary Clinton has reached out with both hands, and grabbed the rails, hitting the third rail with her tounge.

That said, the big news here is the New York Times even making mention of all of this. After years of tossing the woman softballs, and getting very quiet whenever Mrs Clinton put on her pink estrogen light (Thereby declaring herself off limits to the tough questions men must face) paragrahs like this are astounding:

“The Politics of Pile-On,” Mrs. Clintons’ Web site announced this morning. “What happens when the ‘politics of pile-on’ replaces the ‘politics of hope.'” The campaign later released a video that featured Mrs. Clinton’s Democratic rivals saying her name repeatedly. A headline on the Drudge Report, which said it was reflecting thinking in Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, read, “Scorn: As the Men Gang Up.”

Perhaps even the New York Times has decided they’ve done all they can in offering apologetics for the woman. Or, perhaps they recognize what I said already yesterday:

…what we have here is a left conflicted. They know the Republicans are salivating at the idea of having Hillary Clinton being the Democrat nominee.  And they recognize she represents a threat to the Democrats actually taking the WH.

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