I’ve got one in the quips, that runs something like this:

There is no such thing as an “illegal immigrant”. Either they are immigrants, who arrived here and live here legally, or they are criminals. The former, are entitled to everything that our society offers, provided that they are willing to become citizens, which by nature of the word, would include learning the language, and adopting the United States, culturally, as well as financially. The latter are entitled to nothing whatsoever.

And another:

There is nobody so intent on enforcing conformity to their ideas and ideals, as a person who insists on the PC version of diversity… because political correctness brings diversity in everything but… thought.

Both of them would seem to lean toward what I find on Blue Crab Blvd today:

Scratch A Politically Correct Government………Find a deeply xenophobic one. I have long suspected that the most vociferous advocates of “diversity” and political correctness are overcompensating for what they , in fact, see in themselves. They routinely project those internal biases onto others and pretend that they are tolerant. In fact, it only takes a small push for the supposedly tolerant to show their true feelings.

I make a very clear distinction here at Blue Crab Boulevard on where I stand. I am very much pro-immigrant, regardless of where they are from or any physical characteristics they may possess. So long as they come here legally and want to become Americans. I am utterly opposed to illegal immigrants, regardless of where they are from or any physical characteristics they may possess. Because they should not be here taking the place of people who follow the rules. Anyone who tries to brand that as racism should examine their own soul.

A high fence, a wide gate and a hearty welcome for those who follow the rules. That simple, that powerful.

Well done, Gaius. Well done, indeed. Gonna have to invite that one into the Swamp Stompers, personally.

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