The natives are restless, over at the house of Kos:

I want to stand by and watch it all blow up.

I want the dollar to plunge to worthless paper.

I want the stock market to implode.

I want the economy to plunge into chaos.

I want the Chinese to call in all the debt they hold.

I want an economic meltdown of such staggering proportion that even that idiot on Bill Moyer’s Journal who does not know the difference between a State Constitution and the United States Constitution, is forced to look around in mild surprise and wonder what the hell happened.

Only total economic destruction will get the attention of the fools.

Ya know, there is a line between sanity and insanity which this author has just pole-vaulted over. John Hawkins notes the same article, and says in part:

Now, that’s patriotism, isn’t it? Comparing America to Nazi Germany and then rooting for “total economic destruction” in our country. Granny Doc better be careful. If she keeps writing posts like this, even someone as influential as Kos won’t be able to get her a job any better than Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy in the Treasury Department of a future Clinton Administration.

Ouch. Ya know, on most folks that kinda thing would leave a mark.

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