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Silk Pony Wants to Spend More of Your Money

John Edwards [1]If there is anything clear from Charlie Rangel’s propasal for the largest tax incresae in American history, John Murtha’s pork is there is nothing ‘rats like to do more than spend other people’s money. 

John Edwards wants both to be President and provide paid family leave., but be doesn’t want to pay for either.   Edwards want you to pay him to run for President and want you to pay for his proposed famly leave.   Holly Ramer, Associated Press [2]:

The former North Carolina senator on Tuesday will propose spending $2 billion a year to help states create family leave programs that offer workers at least eight weeks of paid time off to care for a newborn or ill family member. The proposal is similar to those offered by his rivals, but Edwards would put up more money — New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s plan calls for $1 billion a year; Illinois Sen. Barack Obama proposes $1.5 billion

If Edwards thinks being President and providing paid family leave are such fine ideas, he should pony up his own money.   Until he does, he should just shut-up about spending more of our money
