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Rove Up Against Kos At Newsweek? Pass the Popcorn

You’ll recall last night I commented [1] on the drooling idiot, Kos and how Newsweek had lowered themselves into hiring the guy, saying, “That’s OK… Newsweek didn’t have any credibility left, anyway.  No loss.”… Well, perhaps… just perhaps… I under-estimated Newsweek. The WaPo is saying today: [2]

Less than three months after leaving the Bush White House, Karl Rove is becoming a member of a community not all that popular with administration officials: the media.

Newsweek has signed the president’s former deputy chief of staff as a commentator who will turn out several columns on the 2008 campaign through inauguration day. The move is not likely to prove popular among liberals who believe the mainstream media have been too soft on the Bush administration.


For the first time in his life, Kos is going to be faced with someone who will take the time to spank him. He’s always been protected in that Blog of his, surrounded by yes men. It’s all down to how Newsweek implements this thing, but if they do it right, it’ll be worthwhile.  I dunno about you, but I don’t put Kos at above the first grade level, so I doubt he’ll be able to fight a level fight with Rove.

I’ll put my anti-Newsweek jets back on “simmer” for a while. We’ll see.

BTW… One gets the idea that Kos jumped the gun a bit in releasing his hiring notice, which explains the late day release of Rove being hired.

BBCT: Memeorandum

Update: I see Michelle [3] is convinced the whole thing will be a yawner.

The fact that they both accepted the invitation shows they share a need for mainstream approbation and a common belief that writing for a circulation-losing, influence-dwindling [4] publication is worth their time.
I predict they’ll write preemptively safe, toned-down pieces to match expectations of MSM respectability-and they’ll save any truly newsworthy, interesting insights for their own home bases (dKos for Kos, conservative talk radio/Fox/etc. for Rove).

Mmmmmmmmm…I dunno, Michelle.

First, Kos has never been the one to tone ANYTHING down, even the cretins who occupy that site of his seldom if ever get slapped.  Secondly, Kos is too wrapped up in Liberal Shrill to let more than the first round go by without trying to out- “loud” Rove.

And Rove, for his part I bet  likes the money, and  finds the idea of verbally slapping Kos around to be an amusing past-time, particularly if it helps keep the Democrats out of the White House.