dsc11.jpg I’ll let McQ intro this one:

You’ll find this story in no news outlet that I know of. It is being carried primarily by the blogs. A young LT presented the second highest award for valor, just below the Medal of Honor, and no one covers it.

Think of it. A young officer, a 2LT at the time, just beginning his career, and he’s faced with a situation that 99% of those of his age group will never be called on to face. And he comes through like a true leader should…

Go and read, and be amazed.

At the risk of waxing political, I will point out that this is the second story today surrounding the prosecution and support of the Iraq war, that the press has held its silence.

Time was in this country, when faced with a mortal enemy, we didn’t have to fight that mortal enemy, while also fighting our own press.  Has it come to this, that such an act of courage in support of these United States gets ignored by our own press because the very existence of that act doesn’t match the narrative of one of our political parties?

Others: Memeorandum, Argghhh!!! and NorthShore Journal

Project Hero, is a worthy attempt on McQ’s part to remind us that we have heroes among us. Further, that these need to be honored as such. We at BitsBlog are proud to lend our voice to such a project.

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One Response to “Project Hero: 1LT Walter Bryan Jackson, Distinguished Service Cross”


  1. Cowlarva.Com » Project Hero: 1LT Walter Bryan Jackson, Distinguished Service Cross