John Amato, Crooks and Liars, has his knickers in a twist because a member of John McCain’s audience referred to Mrs. Clinton as “the bitch” and the senator did not rebuke the questioner.

Grow up John.  Mrs. Clinton is a potty mouth.  I’d say it shows more respect to be called a bitch than a bimbo, Mrs. Clinton’s favorite term of endearment for B.J.’s women.  Mrs. Clinton shows little respect to people with whom she disagagrees.  Paula Jones, David Petraeus.  The bitch shows no respect to her betters, and she will get none from them.  Get used to it.

More, Memeorandum.

Addendum (Bit)
hillary39.jpgLooking on Memeorandum, I see the other usual suspects are having kittens over the nature of the question. But just chill, guys…  There’s two points to be made, here.

  • McCain, clearly, is not setting up questions, as the subject of the question has been. I see that as a good thing. So should Clinton’s people if they have an ounce of honesty left. (I know… what the hell am I SAYING??!!?!?!?)
  • Seems to me the questioner shows the ability to identify the reality of the situation.

And a bonus:

After sitting back and listening to some of the utter garbage the left has been coming up with since Reagan was in office, (Here’s a recent example on Crooks and Liars) their cries of ‘foul’ fall on deaf ears. (Don’t bother taking it offline guys, I’ll just post the capture like I did last time with your buddy, Adkins)

It comes down to this; Respect is EARNED.  Neither Hillary Clinton or her supporters qualify. Take your complaints, and dry up and blow away.

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2 Responses to “Leftard Mad Mrs. Clinton Called a Bitch”


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  2. Chuck Adkins » How do we beat the Bitch?