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Democrats have Nobody to Blame But Themselves for the Spitzer Mess

I’ve had some time to consider the Spitzer “I don’t have a plan anymore” speech of yesterday One thing I noted Spitzer’s “poor me” act, wherein he, in dropping the “drivers licenses for illegals” monster he’s been pushing, complains that what brought him to the point of withdrawing the proposal, was “hyper partisan politics”. (Of COURSE it’s not Spitzer himself at fault… would you expect a Democrat to take the blame for his own actions?)

Echoes of “It’s all a right wing conspiracy” seemed to follow on it’s wings, giving those who would listen clues as to who the move was supposed to be supporting. (And that’s a clue, as to what’s really driving all of this, but we’ll get to that)

spitzer2.jpg [1]Hyper-partisanship?

Well, let’s see, here, … is this the hyper partisan politics that had Spitzer telling a Republican member of the State Senate that “I am a f—ing steamroller and I’ll roll over you or anybody else”? [2] ( and lest we forget, wasn’t this the same person who complained bitterly about Vice President Dick Cheney making a similar comment on the floor of the US senate?)

Or is this the hyper-partisanship that the New York Observer [3] described as being the reason the business of New York State wasn’t getting done?  A government which the Albany Times Union described as being in paralysis? [4]

Well, let’s clear this up. Polling data suggests that ~75% of the country thinks benefiting illegals the way Spitzer suggested, and was attempting to implement, was a very bad idea.  Seems to me, that the claim of hyper partisanship dies somewhere at around 60%, and by the time you make it to 75% you’re talking a pretty fair majority of people, cutting across party lines as few other items have in the last 20 years.  I’ve got to hand it to Spitzer… he seems to have united Americans in a way few others have done… the fact that they’re united against him not withstanding.

The charge of “Hyper-partisanship” is amusing, though, because it looks from here like a classic case of projection. Think; Why was this started in the first place? Because for one thing, the Democrats wanted to use the issue to hammer George W Bush over. And Spitzer willingly signed onto that idea. So, in a way Spitzer is correct; it IS hyper-partisanship that started this whole thing.  Spitzer’s own.  Like I say… projection.

Further proof? Well, that’s easy. Ask Joe Bruno who’s been acting in a partisan matter… but be careful, the state police here may want to have a word with you, if you cause Spitzer too much political trouble.

hillary16.jpg [5]Oh, and there’s Hillary Clinton, too.

Oh, yes… Hillary… the elephant in the Spitzer living room. Did Democrats think nobody noticed that Hillary Clinton is due to appear in a debate tonight, and this issue that she fell on her face on, was hanging out like an open sore?  Can’t you just hear the phone lines burning between Albany and wherever Hillary Clinton’s handlers are holed up, these days? Oh, trust me… phone calls were made, and directions given, to drop this plan so she’d not have to face questions about it (from a press she’s already warned. ) And Spitzer, like the good little Democrat tool that he is, did as he was told.  (Take that phase any way you want to) Now that Spitzer has, like a good little minion, done as he was told, Clinton, predictably, has now come out against such ideas… [6] the sixth different position she’s held on the topic in as many weeks.  She’s clearly in trouble, and knows it. One wonders if the fix isn’t worse than the problem, however. As Fellow Swamp Stomper Blue Crab Boulevard [7] says:

So she was against it before she was for it while still being against it in a positive sort of way. Or something.

Captain Ed [8] Agrees, saying in part:

People laughed at John Kerry for saying, “I was for the $87 billion before I was against it.” He looks like the Rock of Gibraltar next to Hillary Clinton.

This is a manifestation of the old Clinton trick of falling into the front ranks of whatever lynch mob is happening at the moment, and making out like it’s a parade, and they’re leading it. Only the American people aren’t buying it, anymore. Michelle Malkin [9] gets into this aspect a bit deeper:

Spitzer plus Hillary plus open-borders plus campaign season equals comedy gold

That aside, let’s remember also what this Spitzer proposal was really was all about… the real centerpiece… gaining votes for Democrats from illegals, via what everyone, including the Governor, knows is a poorly enforced “Motor Voter” program, by which, in combo with the driver’s licenses proposed, would mean illegals voting, in large numbers. And whom do you suppose such illegals would be voting FOR? The answer’s easy to find.. just look at which party has been trying to cripple efforts to make sure only citizens vote? Think the Democrats would be pushing so hard for such programs if the Democrats were not going to benefit at the Ballot Box? Trust me… where power is concerned, altruism is not a quality Democrats have.

Andrew Cuomo [10]Finally, there’s Andrew Cuomo, the Attorney General in the Spitzer Administration, and son of the former Governor, Mario Cuomo, who the press has tagged as a Spitzer Loyalist.  One thing you learn, however, by living here, is that the tag “AG” means “Aspiring Governor”.  That breath Spitzer is feeling on the back of his neck just now is that of Andrew Cuomo.  Cuomo for his part is being silent about all of this, particularly on the Joe Bruno affair, apparently giving his boss enough room to hang himself. Easier to ascend to the throne of the vampire state, that way, one presumes.

Of course, this dog eat dog process means the work of the people isn’t getting done… and as the Albany Times Union said last August…

The trouble is, the people’s business at the moment is Troopergate and establishing the integrity of the governing administration. As annoying and partisan as it is, Republican senators have every right, and even obligation, to raise as many questions as they can. That’s what checks and balances in government are all about.

Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno is trying desperately to keep this issue well fanned, and that’s politics. But who gave Joe Bruno that opportunity? Eliot Spitzer. Who will be responsible for the Senate remaining Republican because of the checks and balances lesson that will come out of Troopergate? Eliot Spitzer.

But far more important, who is responsible for state government being at a standstill? Eliot Spitzer.

Spitzer partisans can dismiss Bruno’s circus as much as they want, but there’s only one governor to set the agenda for all of government and at the moment he’s making like Rip Van Winkle.

The T-U wasn’t alone in the charge… papers… and talk shows from across the state have been saying the same thing, from both sides of the political isle. Interesting, how Spitzer responded to that call, not with the implementation of the grand ideas he promised but with his now trademark arrogance, pushing a scheme that even before he started it, was doomed for lack of support, even among Democrats.

And Spitzer? Blue Crab [7] says:

Meanwhile, Eliot Spitzer, in his drive to try to reach the center of the earth, has managed to top (bottom?) even today’s tic tacs tax news [11]! Yes, he is releasing an onslaught of extremely hard core criminals [12] onto the streets of New York. My gosh, He’s about to make Michael Dukakis look presidential!

You really have to hand it to the Democrats… when they stick us with lemons, they do the job right.  It takes this kind of situation to make the prospect of a Governor Bloomberg look appealing, even to the staunchest Democrat, as the polls and their motions, are now starting to suggest.

Oh… and trust me here, dear reader.. this plan of Democrats to get illegals into the voting booth is not going away… the Democrats have far to much to gain by it, for it to simply vanish because Spitzer is makes noises like he’s given up the idea.
Much more discussion at Memeorandum