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The Debates…

Fox News: [1]

 Fred Thompson, gracious after being singled out as the late entry into the 2008 Republican presidential race, made no major spills Tuesday but also didn’t hit one out of the ballpark at his first foray into the debate scene since joining the White House field last month.

Thompson was the butt of a few laughs, but lobbed back a few light-hearted zingers in a debate that was at times very intense, but also demonstrated the more optimistic side of the GOP.

Thompson struck me as the confident leader.  When I say that, I mean making no major spills, but not really beating up on anybody either is precisely what one does when one is in the lead, toward the end of a game. You play ball control, and keep the chains moving just enough so that you have possession.

As for the rest of the crowd on stage, any one of them would be a better choice than any one of the Democrats running.  Make no mistake about that.  But right now, we’re about putting the best man up against the Democrats.  And in my view, that is Fred Thompson.

Addeudum:  (David L)   The clear loser — Chris Mathews.   Off topic questions  gotcha mentality and unprofessional comments.   John Poderhortz, National Review [2]:

As moderator, Chris Matthews intruded himself into the proceedings following a Fred Thompson answer on a possible Chrysler strike by saying that Fred Thompson went on too long  and would have been better off just saying “No” and stopping there. I’ve never seen such a blatant act of obnoxious misbehavior during a debate. Ever.

All future debates should be restricted to sober adults.   Matthews need not apply.