All we need to do is gather all Ted Rall’s readers into a room, put Rall in there with them… and then… heheheheheh….then…  drop a bunker -buster on the place.

Consider the advantages: The Welfare rolls of the country will be cut by 2/3rds, Democrats will never be elected again, thus helping the economy and our world standing immeasurably, world peace will occur, since our foreign policy will no longer be the liberal-slanted mess it’s been for the last 40 years… and the IQ of the nation will be raised by half, all in one stroke. Pretty neat, huh?


Not funny, say you?

So why does he think THIS is?

For that matter… Why do YOU?

Imagine a cartoonist suggesting what I’ve suggested above. Does anyone think that the resulting outcry from the left, and most of the right, would not be earth-shaking? So why is there no outcry from the left against Rall?

Think about it, people.

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