I’m just curious;

Can it be that the reason that the legality of the “candidacy” of Stephen Colbert for the presidency of these United States is being challenged is because of the embarrassment involved with the concept of him actually polling better than the odds on favorite for the vice presidential spot, Bill Richardson?

Inquiring minds, and all that.

Think about it; Pat Paulsen made a name for himself by running every four years.  Nobody challenged him and his right to do so.  Only difference is, people are taking Colbert more seriously than they are the Democratic party candidates.  That’s never happened before. Paulsen, to my memory never showed up on the polls.  Colbert is, and is doing better than the self-knighted princes of the Democrat party.That’s got to be ticking somebody off.

And why would he be pulling better numbers than Richardson?  Can it be that the people polled see him as better representing their interests than the bald-faced political opportunist that Richardson has turned out to be?

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